Disaster Recovery Introduction

Introduction to Disaster Recovery Plan

Why should you attend?
Disaster Recovery Introduction training enables you to comprehend the basic concepts of a Disaster Recovery Plan.
By attending the Disaster Recovery Introduction course, you will understand the importance of a Disaster Recovery Plan and the benefits that businesses, society and governments can obtain.

Day 1: Introduction to Disaster Recovery planning

  • Understand the concepts, approaches, methods, and techniques used to implement a Disaster Recovery Plan
  • Understand the basic elements of a Disaster Recovery Plan


Training material containing over 100 pages of information and practical examples will be distributed
A participation certificate of 7 CPD (Continuing Professional Development) credits will be issued

Examination: None
Certification: None

Who should attend?

  • Individuals interested in Disaster Recovery services
  • Individuals seeking to gain knowledge about the main processes of a Disaster Recovery Plan


Prerequisites: None

1 DayOnline/Live
1 DayOnline/Live
1 DayOnline/Live
1 DayOnline/Live
1 DayOnline/Live