QoS, Monitoring and Compliance, 4th-8th May 2015 in Kigali, Rwanda

AFRALTI jointly with the East African Communications Organisations (EACO) is organizing a 5 Day Training workshop in Kigali, Rwanda starting from 4th to 8th May 2015. The training workshop will take place at EACO/RURA Building.

Course Overview

Monitoring of the Quality of Service (QoS) requires the setting up of the regulatory framework that would provide the basis for the Information Communications Technology (ICT) industry to maintain or improve the quality either in the presence or absence of competition. This also allows the ICT consumers to make informed choices in uptake of services. However, as much as recognition is given to the diverse work done by many ICT regulators in developing and publishing regulations on the monitoring of the quality of service, it is being noted that enforcement has been a challenge. There seem to be no satisfied Stakeholder being Consumer, Service Provider or the Regulator.

The innovation in the ICT Technologies and transition to the packet switching networks has led to the revisiting of the methods used by regulators in monitoring of QoS. It is pertinent that all stakeholders in the QoS obligations understand to ensure that the existing regulations and methods used to monitor the service provided by operators are aligned to the changes in the environment.

Target Audience

This Workshop is targeted at all stakeholders involved in QoS frameworks, ICT Service Delivery, Regulatory Compliance, Customer Affairs especially practitioners such as Network Planners, Optimisation Engineers, Regulatory Managers, Enforcement Officers, Customer Service Managers as well as Consumer Rights Advocates.

Invitation Letter

Course Outline

Registration Form



Related information

Quality of Service, Monitoring and Compliance advert through EACO’s Website


Course materials

Day 1 QoS, Monitoring and Compliance

Day 2 QoS, Monitoring and Compliance

Day 3 QoS, Monitoring and Compliance

Day 4 QoS, Monitoring and Compliance

Day 5 QoS, Monitoring and Compliance