Regulatory Enforcement and Compliance in ICT, 18th Feb-1st Mar 2019, Naivasha, Kenya

Title: Regulatory Enforcement and Compliance in ICT

Duration:  10 Days

Date: 18th February to 1st March 2019

Venue: Astorian Grand Hotel, Naivasha, Kenya


The course is designed to covers the fundamentals and principals of Regulatory Enforcement, Consumer Protection and Quality of Service Management, the Spectrum Utilization and Harmonization, the telecommunications market structure and competition in various segments, the interconnection regulation and dispute resolutions and interconnection price determination. In addition, the course will cover the broadcasting services, type approval, numbering resources, and postal and courier services with respect to regulatory enforcement and compliance.

 Target Audience

ICT Regulatory Authorities


  • Basic knowledge of in telecommunications engineering, operations and regulations; and
  • Basic knowledge in economic, finance and laws.

Pain Points

The rapid change and reform of ICT sector requires clear understanding of the technical, commercial and regulatory aspects that can affect the delivery of the services, and how the deviation from the acceptable standard and regulations can be measured and monitored for the purposes of enforcement to meet the required standards.

 Value Proposition

 At the end of the course, participants will have deep understanding of the concept enforcement and compliance in ICT sector.

Workshop Objectives

  • Understand the Role of the Regulator in protection of the customer interest
  • Understand well concept of Regulatory Enforcement and Compliance;
  • Understand establishment of Tools for Measurement and Monitoring Compliance;
  • Understand the Roles of Competition and Regulations.


Course Outline

Registration Form