AFRALTI Partners with Financing and Capacity Building (FINCAP) Sacco
Globally, ICT, Innovation and MSMEs (micro, small, and medium enterprises) are recognized as major sources of economic growth. The business world has come to embrace ICT as an enabler of innovation. Kenya’s vision 2030 blueprint acknowledges the role of ICT and Innovation as a critical factor for success in economic competitiveness and growth. Consequently, promoting use of ICT and Innovation to support MSME development is imperative. Some of the methods include networking forums, boot camps, entrepreneurial training, access to finance and markets for MSMEs’ innovation projects and promoting cooperation networks among MSMEs.
In view of the complementary between ICT, Innovation and MSMEs, AFRALTI has partnered with Financing and Capacity Building (FINCAP) Sacco to support bidding ICT innovators & entrepreneurs in Africa by providing a financial backup to their innovative ideas. The two organizations will work together to accelerate ideas and provide mentorship to MSMEs in their innovations.
In the near future, the two organizations are set to host a bootcamp set to connect and explore opportunities on transforming innovations into tangible solutions. The event will provide tremendous opportunities for participants to:-
- Showcase their hidden talents.
- Narrow down from a crowd to the most deserving and focused areas of work and collaboration.
- Open the ecosystem for a wider collaboration between partners in thematic and sub thematic areas
- Learn best practices for MSMEs growth harnessing ICT innovations… and so much more.
The event dates and comprehensive details will be announced on AFRALTI’s and FINCAP’s social media platforms.