Africa Cyber Defense Forum (ACDF) in collaboration with Africa Advanced Level Telecommunications Institute, AFRALTI, announced the official launch of ACDF 2020 during the Forum’s Pre-conference that took place on the 5th February 2020 at the Sankara hotel in Nairobi.

The pre-conference brought together top ICT Technocrats to review the technical content of the 2020 program. The conference is set to take place on the 24th-25th June 2020.

Cyber risks and cyberattacks are ranked among the top five global risks by the World Economic Forum Global Risks Report 2019, persistently challenging economies, businesses, national security, international stability, privacy, and employment opportunities.

Therefore, enhancing collaboration between public- and private-sector partners, civil society and academia are of paramount importance to counterbalance the trend.

Cybersecurity Facts:

i. According to an ICT security survey conducted by Kenya National Bureau of Statistics & Communications Authority of Kenya (CA), Kenya lost about Sh18 billion ($175 million) to cybercrime in 2016.

ii. Cyber insurance market grew from $1 billion to $2.5 billion over a period of two (2) years according to the Cybersecurity Market Report, Q3 2015 published by the Cybersecurity ventures in their cybercrime Magazine.

iii. According to Bromium independent report 2018, cybercrime illicit Economy is estimated to generate $1.5Trn placing cybercrime Economy 13th highest GDP almost equivalent to the economy of Russia

iv. Markets and Markets analysis report on the African Cybersecurity published in its June 2015 publication said that the Africa cybersecurity market size is expected to grow from $0.92 Billion in 2015 to $2.32 Billion by 2020, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 20.41% from 2015 to 2020

Obviously, this begs for more conversations, more training, and more education in computer science, and the science of IT security and therefore; The ACDF 2020 Forum gives the stage to those at the forefront of the National Cybersecurity strategy the National Cyber Security Centres across the world as well as the National Crime Agencies, Cybersecurity, and business experts to share their vision on the future of Cybersecurity.

The theme is “A More Secure World, More Business Activity, and More Jobs”

About Africa Cyber Defense Forum

Africa Cyber Defense Forum – ACDF, is an annual cybersecurity event targeting different cities across Africa to bring together the world’s leading security experts, frontline heroes, government leaders, and executives from various industries to address the challenges of today’s threat landscape

Africa Cyber Defense Forum is passionate in its pursuit of better and safer technology and is seeking to shape the future of information security through; Participation in progressive business conversations, Inspiring and connecting thought-leadership, experts and organizations to become informed about local, global and societal trends in Cyberspace, and Development and connecting Cybersecurity experts in a business conscious platform globally.