UpSkills Global Partners with AFRALTI to Provide Corporate Training
Upskills Global in collaboration with AFRALTI has partnered to equip today’s workforce with the essential skills needed to be highly effective in their work place by providing an upskilled and adaptable online training through taking Personal Effectiveness Assessment which highlights readiness for the 4th industrial revolution in terms of soft skills.
The Personal Effectiveness Assessment gives you a valuable benchmark for where you stand on the seven Personal Effectiveness Skills that are critical for career success today. The Seven Personal Effectiveness Skills Relate to Teamwork, Critical Thinking, and Emotional Intelligence. Taken together, these skills comprise the talent and ability that companies are seeking today. The seven skills include:
Problem-Solving: The student evaluates multiple problem-solving techniques to select the most appropriate strategy for solving the problem in the specific context. The problem definition clearly and insightfully considers the history of the problem and identifies all relevant contextual factors.
Judging: The student analyzes evidence derived from problem solving. Relevant limitations and implications are stated, with supporting detail. One’s own and others’ assumptions and biases are identified and objectively assessed.
Decision-Making: The student proposes a decision that is a synthesis and logical extrapolation from the analysis of evidence in the judging process.
Communication: The student composes written or oral work that fully addresses its context, audience, and purpose. Language is chosen to communicate meaning with clarity and fluency. The central message and delivery is compelling.
Self-Management: The student assesses all relevant attitudes and behaviors when working in a professional context. Self-management is demonstrated by professionalism, by developing a sense of self as a learner, and by building fully on previous learning.
Collaboration: The student fully engages with team members, utilizing their strengths and skills to facilitate their contributions- strengthening overall team cohesiveness and effectiveness. The student may show no bias toward their own perspectives.
Values Clarification: The student evaluates values comprehensively for complexity, multiple layers, and interrelationships. The student articulates and internalizes many consequences/outcomes of value interrelationships
By taking the UpSkills programme, the expected key learning outcome is ability to:
- Communicate effectively to build collaboration, promote teamwork and forge relationships;
- Clarify personal ethics and values to become engaged and productive citizens;
- Analyze and synthesize information to make informed judgement and decisions;
- Use problem-solving skills to design and evaluate solutions.
The Personal Effectiveness Assessment combines questions of fact and experience to ascertain current levels of knowledge and understanding of these seven skills. The assessment results show those who take it where they fall within a mean of other test-takers – it’s not an arithmetic mean, and generally, skills of less than 75% to 80% are areas that can benefit from support in the form of training, practice, coursework.