Workshops in Blantyre, Malawi (Digital Migration Policy and Regulation; and Broadcast Content Development), 1st-5th June 2015

African Advanced Level Telecommunications Institute (AFRALTI); and Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA) jointly will be running two training workshops back to back on Digital Migration Policy and Regulation, 25th-29th May 2015; and Broadcast Content Development, 1st-5th June 2015 in Blantyre, Malawi.

AFRALTI is an ITU Centre of Excellence Network for Africa on Broadband Access and Spectrum Management.

 MACRA will provide logistical arrangement for the workshops and would like to invite all ICT players to take part.

It will cost each participant a total of USD 2,400 to participate in two weeks intensive training.

Course Outlines

Registration Form

Registration is open up to 15th May 2015. For more information and registration, please contact us.


Mr. Jonathan P. Mwakijele,

Head of Training, Consultancy and Research Unit


Tel: +254 20 265 5011, +254 710 207 061



Mr. Dalitso Jumbe,

Human Resources Manager,

Tel: +265 1 883 611

Dir: +265 1 874 725

Cell: +265 999 591 591 or +265 212 791 591

Emails: or