Satellite Communications

👤 By 🕓 Posted: 01 / 05 / 2015 | 👁 Views: 5,427

Satellite Communications Training Workshop at AFRALTI on 8th to 12th June 2015

On behalf of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), we would like to invite your organization to participate in a face-to-face training on “Satellite Communications” for English Speaking Countries in Africa, to be held in Nairobi, Kenya from 8th to 12th June 2015. The training will be hosted by the African Advanced Level Telecommunications Institute (AFRALTI).

The training is part of the capacity building partnership entered into between the ITU and the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (ITSO) for delivery of Satellite Communications training. This training will be facilitated by two experts with extensive experience is satellite communications.

This training is addressed to Regulators and Operators in the telecommunication sector. It covers a wide range of issues related to Satellite Communications and Regulatory issues, including the role of regional and international satellite communications organizations. It will  be delivered in English.

The following topics will be addressed:

– Basics of satellite communications
– Policy and regulatory guidelines for satellite services
– Network planning and link budget analysis
– VSAT installation and maintenance
– VSAT equipment and bandwidth procurement

If you wish to participate in this training, please complete the attached registration form and return it no later than 29th May 2015 by email to the contact persons indicated in the form.

Please note there is no attendance fee charged to participate in this training. However, participants are responsible for their travel, accommodation and related expenses in Nairobi, Kenya.

We recommend participants coming outside Kenya to book with us for their accommodation, we offer affordable accommodation – more details please visit – AFRALTI Guest House.

Invitation Letter

Registration Form

Participants’ Information

Program – Satellite Communications


Related information

ITU Academy – Satellite Communications


Course materials

Day1 – Introduction to Satellite Communications

Day 1 Non Planned Satellite

Day 1 Overview

Day 1 Regulatory framework

Day 1 Space FSS and BSS Plans

Day 2 – Policy and Regulatory Guidelines for Satellite Services

Day 2 BR Softwares

Day 2 Notification and Recording Assignment

Day 2 Receivability

Day 2 Submission of Comments using SpaceCom

Day 3 – Network Planning and Link Budget Analysis

Day 4 – VSAT installation and Maintenance

Day 4 API – Spacewisc

Day 4 BR IFIC and Preface

Day 4 Earth Station Coordination and Tools

Day 5 – VSAT Equipment and bandwidth procurement

Day 5 Capture Validation Submission Earth Station

Day 5 – WRC-15 Agenda Issues

Day 5 WRC-15

Selected Group Pictures