December18 CHINA AFRICA DIGITAL CAPACITY BUILDING COOPERATION FORUM AFRALTI had the privilege to represent its nine member states at the China Africa...
December18 ATC GLOBAL ANNUAL MEETING The ITU Academy Training Centres (ATCs) first annual meeting took place in Geneva, Switzerland,...
December18 THE OPEN FIBRE DATA STANDARDS (OFDS) WORKSHOP & SUMMIT As the value of being connected to the internet increases, the need to make...
September29 The AFRALTI 66th Governing Council Meeting The AFRALTI 66th Governing Council meeting was officially opened by Tanzania’s Hon. Mr. Mulembwa...
September29 Shaping the Right Skills for a Data-Driven Decision-Making Ecosystem The quest to adopt and make use of the new digital solutions and services...
August28 AFRALTI TRAINS 146 YOUNG WOMEN IN SPECTRUM MANAGEMENT Spectrum Management (SM) is a highly specialized and vital activity in the field of...
August21 AFRALTI 2023 LIAISON FORUM AFRALTI hosted its annual Member States Liaison Forum in August 2023 under the theme...
June29 Re-imagining a Better Connected and Innovative Africa Africa, home to more than 1.2 billion people, harbours the great potential that can...
June27 Mozilla Corporation Partners with AFRALTI under the Mozilla Africa Mradi Initiative Technology startups and the venture capital ecosystem, which transform ideas and fledgling companies into...
June20 AFRALTI PARTNERS WITH (ISC)² TO BUILD CAPACITY IN CYBERSECURITY IN THE SUB SAHARAN AFRICA AFRALTI has entered into a partnership with (ISC)², which is an international, nonprofit membership...
June12 Child Online Protection Training 2023 The latest Q2 2022/2023 ICT sector statistics report indicate that there are over 65.7m...
June6 AFRALTI Trains ATU Member States in Digital Sound Broadcasting (DSB) Systems A first-of-its-kind course in DSB Systems benefiting ATU Member States and fully sponsored by...
May25 AFRALTI WINS THE CISCO NETWORKING ACADEMY BE THE BRIDGE AWARD 2023 Cisco Networking Academy Be the Bridge Awards celebrate the efforts of partners who have...
April4 March 2023 Newsletter YOUNG WOMEN FOR THE DIGITAL ECONOMY The World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report...
March31 THE AFRALTI GOVERNING COUNCIL MEETS IN KENYA The 65th Governing Council meeting of the African Advanced Level Telecommunications Institute (AFRALTI) took...
March31 AFRALTI DECLARED A WORLD SUMMIT ON THE INFORMATION SOCIETY (WSIS) 2023 CHAMPION ON ITS WOMEN ICT TRAINING & INNOVATION PROJECT The WSIS Prizes 2023 is an exceptional international recognition of WSIS Stakeholders as Winners...
March31 AFRALTI CAREER TALKS ON THE GO AFRALTI continues working with learning institutions around the region to build capacity and give...
March31 AFRALTI BECOMES A PECB SILVER AUTHORIZED PARTNER PECB is a personnel certification body which provides education and certification for individuals under...
March31 AFRALTI BECOMES AN ITU ACADEMY TRAINING CENTER SET TO ENHANCE DIGITAL SKILLS DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) selected fourteen (14) organizations from around the world to...
March31 SAFER INTERNET DAY 2023 Over the years, Safer Internet Day has become a landmark event in the online safety calendar. From...